Buy Surface mount hinge; LHI/RHO; 12 ga Stamped stainless steel | Shiffler - Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment for Schools

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Surface mount hinge; LHI/RHO; 12 ga Stamped stainless steel

TP 200 LHI
MFG Part #:


Universal stainless steel, surface mount hinges for medium duty. 12 gauge, .097" thick, 2-1/2" high x 2-3/8" wide. 1-1/2" O.C. holes. Specify right-hand or left-hand, inswing or outswing.


Material Stamped stainless steel
Gauge 12
Thickness .097"
Finish Polished Steel
Mounting plates
Side to side width of both plates 3"
Top to bottom height 2-1/2"
Mounting holes
Dia 1/4"
Side to side hole OC 2-1/4"
Top to bottom hole OC 1-1/2"
Outer barrels
Shape Round
Dia 3/4"
Just each steel portion 1-3/16"
Each portion, with nylon 1-3/8"
Total height of both barrels, with nylon 2-13/16"
Each hinge has a steel pin. Half of the pin is molded into the
center of the lower piece. The other half slides into the
center of the other piece to give it something to swivel on.
The upper set of hinges has a pin with an angled cutout,
like a pintle, so that the door can be set to close.
The lower set of hinges has a straight pin with a straight tip.
It moves freely within the upper barrel, but is not removeable.
Length 1-1/4"
Dia 3/8"
Door swing limit with this hinge 110 Degrees
Mounting hardware is provided, and includes
4 Each TP 302 10-32 x 1-1/4" One-way shoulder bolt
4 Each TP 301 10-32 x 1" One-way shoulder bolt
8 Each TP 303 10-32 One-way barrel nut
1 Each 11/16" E-Cliip

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