Buy Penco Lift and Plastic Trigger for Recessed Locker Handle Assy; LH | Shiffler - Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment for Schools

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Penco Lift and Plastic Trigger for Recessed Locker Handle Assy; LH

MFG Part #:


Replacement left hand plastic trigger and lift for the Penco recessed (Cup) locker handle.


Lift Steel
Trigger Plastic
Thickness 5/64" (between 1/16" and 3/32")
Back side
Height 4-1/4"
Width of back plate (measurements taken from the back)
At top 2-3/32"
At middle 23/32"
At bottom 1-1/8"
There is a tab at the bottom, which is bent to the back
at a 90o angle
Height 21/32"
Depth 1/2"
Side that mounts to the lockbar. There is a shorter front half
and a taller back half, both, combined are the same height as
the back of the lift.
Front half
Height, not including finger tab 2-5/16"
Width 11/16"
Finger tab (fits into lockbar)
Height 13/32"
At the base 5/32"
At the tip 9/64" (Between 1/8" and 5/32")
The tab is bent out and up, to fit into a hole in the
lockbar. The distance between inside of the tab
and the outside wall of the lift
At base of bend 3/32"
AT tip of finger 1/8"
Mounting hole
Qty 1
Dia 3/16"
Distance from bottom of the lift to the center of
the mounting hole 9/32"
The front half of the side fo the lift is offset to just
outside the back half
Offset amount 1/16"
Back half
Height 4-1/4"
Depth 21/32"
Finger lift side
Top portion - a horizontal tab
Depth 1-3/16"
Height 3/4"
Lower portion - a tab that extends vertically down from
the top portion. The PN-333T plastic trigger has a
slot in it's middle which slides over and is mounted onto
this portion.
Depth 3/4"
Height 9/16"
Padkick hole dia 3/8"
Height of top and lower portions combined 1-5/16"
Plastic trigger (PN-333T). The top third is wider than
the lower two thirds. In addition, there is a rounded
concave cutout at the bottom of the trigger, which has
side-to-side grooves like the edge of a dime
Upper portion 7/16"
Lower portion
To the center 3/4"
To the outside edges 7/8"
Total height
To the center of the cutout 5/32"
To the outside edges 1-5/16"
Upper portion 1-5/64" (BETWEEN 1-1/16" AND 1-3/32")
Lower portion 1-1/64"
Upper portion 9/16"
Lower portion 11/32"
Padlock hole dia 3/8"
Mounting hole - has a round, recessed area on each side
before the mounting hole starts
Dia 5/16"
Depth 3/32"
Mounting hole
Dia 1/8"
Depth 3/8"

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