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Lifesecure SchoolGuard Classroom Evacuation & Lockdown Kit w/BleedStop Compact 100 Bleeding Control Kit

MFG Part #:


This high-visibility school emergency kit for up to 29 students and 1 teacher meets all 10 essential survival needs for lockdown or evacuation and includes a Bleeding Control Kit for treating bleeding wounds.  Includes a MobileAid BleedStop Compact 100 Bleeding Control Kit with a SWAT-T tourniquet, a mini-compress bandage, QuickClot blood clotting gauze, petroleum gauze for chest wounds, and other bleeding wound supplies.

MOBILE - SecurEvac backpack with padded shoulder straps, top carry handle, and sternum strap for stability in motion.

BLEEDING CONTROL - Comprehensive bleeding wound trauma first aid supplies for gunshot wounds and other accidents or disasters.

VISIBLE - Bag is designed for quick-find emergency identification and high visibility for safety in use: safety orange markings, 360° high-visibility reflective safety stripes, integrated 3-LED flashing safety signal.

SECURE - Breakaway tamper-evident closure ties for main compartments keep supplies secure yet accessible in an emergency.

FLEXIBLE - This kit can be used for evacuation or shelter-in-place according to the specific emergency situation.

CONTENTS: SCHOOL LOCKDOWN & EVACUATION KIT (1) SecurEvac backpack with integrated LED safety signal (1) pair leather palmed work gloves (1) pair safety goggles (1) pry bar (30) dust masks (1) first aid kit (3) emergency blankets (30) Emergency drinking water pouches (4 oz.) (5 year shelf life) (5) 2,400 calorie food bars (60 portions) (5 year shelf life) (1) 8’ x 10’ tarp/ground cover (1) cord (1) whistle with lanyard (1) AM/FM radio with extra batteries (1) flashlight with extra batteries (2) 12-hour light sticks (1) Carry-Flat portable toilet (6) toilet bags (6) deodorizer packets (2) toilet paper rolls (4) pairs vinyl gloves (30) sanitary towelettes (2) 4 oz bottles hand sanitizer (1) emergency instruction sheet (1) clipboard (1) writing tablet (2) pens (10) tamper-evident breakaway closure ties MOBILEAID BLEEDSTOP COMPACT 100 BLEEDING CONTROL KIT (1) SecureLock Clear Bag (1) Instructions (1 pair) Blue Nitrile Gloves (2) QuickClot Hemostatic GAUZE (1) Mini-Compress Bandage (1) SWAT-T tourniquet (1) Permanent Marker (1) Petroleum Gauze (1)Tape (2) Moist Towelettes (1) Biohazard Bags. Weight 31 lbs Dimensions LIFESECURE SCHOOLGUARD LOCKDOWN & EVACUATION KIT 14" x 18" x 13" MOBILEAID BLEEDSTOP COMPACT 100 BLEEDING CONTROL KIT 7" x 5.5" x 1.5"


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