Buy Jensen Swing Hanger w/Pintle - 3-1/2" O.D. Pipe, Cast Stainless | Shiffler - Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment for Schools

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Jensen Swing

Jensen Swing Hanger w/Pintle - 3-1/2" O.D. Pipe, Cast Stainless

MFG Part #:


Stamped, galvanized steel, oil-less swing hanger for 3-1/2" diameter pipe. Stamped steel hangers have more ability to bend so they will not snap when torqued too tightly. Includes pintel. Underside of hanger is knurled to prevent turning and slipage. National Test Lab rated at 5000 lbs. load strength.


This item includes
- Two-piece hanger with pintle
- Hardware for connecting upper and lower portions
Material All pieces are Steel
Upper cap
Material thickness 5/16"
Rounded portions
Inside height 1-11/16"
Inside width 3-5/8"
Ears for mounting bolts
Height 11/16"
Width off rounded portion 1-3/16"
Depth 1-1/4"
Bolt holes
Shape Square
Size 9/16" x 9/16"
Hole to hole OC 5
Lower portion with pintle
Inside curve for fitting to pipe
Height 1-11/16"
Width 3-19/32"
Ears for mounting bolts
Height 11/16"
Width off rounded portion 1-3/16"
Depth 1-1/4"
Bolt holes
Shape Square
Size 9/16" x 9/16"
Hole to hole OC 5"
Forks that pintles mount to
Thickness 1/2"
Length at center, from center face of rounded portion
that fits over pipe 1-13/16"
Width where bolt hole is 1-1/2"
Bolt for attaching pintle to lower hanger
Style Hex
Thickness 5/16"
Outside hex dia 3/4"
Dia 7/16"
Length 1-3/8"
Size 7/16-14
Length 1:
Portion that attaches to forks on hanger
Width 15/16"
Outside dia 1-5/8"
Inside dia, with bushing 9/16"
Shackle portion
Thickness 7/16"
Distance between fingers 7/16"
Size of space between shackle bolt and inside base
where fingers join body of pintle 17/32" deep, 7/16" wide
Tamper proof shackle bolt
Style Hex with pin
Outside dia 5/8"
Inside hex dia 11/32"
Length 15/16"
Dia 3/8"
Length 7/16"
Thread size 3/8-16
Hardware for connecting upper and lower pipe straps
Qty 2 each bolts, 2 each nuts
Bolt 12mm Course x 52mm Non-slotted, round head
carriage bolt, galvanized steel
Nut 12mm Course Hex nylon insert locking nut
with 19mm drive, steel with chrome finish

Questions about Jensen Swing Hanger w/Pintle - 3-1/2" O.D. Pipe, Cast Stainless?

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